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Date: 01/03/2024

Yes, times are tough, but for anyone who's been in business for many years knows, times are always tough. Having the right mindset will go a long way to finding opportunities in the head winds, says Andrew Griffiths.

Andrew offers seven ideas you can implement in your business – after all, he says, there's no better time to act than right now.

Also this month, economist Prof Robert Brooks of Monash University outlines the economic landscape for the year ahead. Elio D'Amato provides his investment update. Richard Thame, CEO of CouriersPlease, discusses modern consumer habits, with a focus on digital purchases. 

Marketing and consumer expert Barry Urquhart clarifies why you need to embrace AI in your business. Karen Tisdell explains how LinkedIn can help you win more clients. Sue Barrett examines why collaboration is the key to sales.

And, we end the program with Ray Cummings and his personal advice for practice approaching retirement.

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