Business in Focus

April 2017

  • Delivering a world-class customer experience
  • Marketing tips for accountants
  • Stop procrastinating – start planning
  • Sustainable success!
  • 9 steps to revenue growth
  • Bottom-line benefits of your staff’s wellbeing
  • Tax cuts burn franking credits
  • Sharemarket update
  • Making referral introductions your sales priority
April 2017

March 2017

  • Fairfax forecasters: Neville Norman v. the rest
  • Preparing for disruption
  • Tackling change head-on
  • Reframe your business thinking
  • Achieving more in the digital age
  • LinkedIn for accountants
  • Highlighting new small business tax concession
  • Sharemarket update
  • Opening the doors to success
March 2017

February 2017

  • 2017 economic forecast
  • 5 Steps to rejuvenate your practice
  • Strategic implementation vs strategic planning
  • Making diamonds your best friend
  • Driving sales in 2017
  • Do your communication strategies work against you?
  • Accessing superannuation
  • Sharemarket update
  • Tapping into the Gen Y market
February 2017

December 2016

  • 2016: year of surprises and cautionary trends
  • Handling the “How about a discount?” question
  • Does your firm have a decision-making process?
  • Innovation: it’s the way you work
  • How to use digital marketing effectively
  • Is your team’s performance being mismanaged?
  • New tax relief for restructuring business ownership
  • Sharemarket update
  • Silly season watchouts
December 2016

November 2016

  • Old to New: the revival of a beer brand
  • Transitioning to a business advisory service
  • Moving into the digital age – don’t procrastinate!
  • New unfair contract rules start now
  • Introducing a new partner into the business
  • Clarifying the tax exempt caps on super
  • Sharemarket update
  • Do you outshine your competitors on customer service?
November 2016

October 2016

  • Economic Update
  • Combating multinational tax avoidance
  • Moving from reactive to adaptive
  • Climb fast to survive
  • Exiting the business – at the right price!
  • How to exploit opportunities in Asia
  • A new definition of small business + super changes
  • Sharemarket update
  • Don’t waste staff potential
October 2016

September 2016

  • How to compete in a new business world
  • Clarifying the rules around annual leave
  • How to support staff with mental health issues
  • From persuasive to trusted advisor
  • Marketing: think hyper local!
  • Managing conflicts at work
  • Why bother with a testamentary trust in a will?
  • Sharemarket update
  • Self-persuasion: new technique to help buyers buy
September 2016

August 2016

  • Economic update
  • Embracing new technology in your accounting practice
  • The fundamental role of finance
  • Managing ugly business break-ups
  • Staying alive in a digital world
  • Packing punch into your business message
  • Transition to Retirement pensions - with a twist
  • Sharemarket update
  • Trust based cold calling
August 2016

July 2016

  • Conquering the world with online wine
  • Discussing estate planning with a client
  • Tough questions around staffing
  • New rules on credit card surcharges
  • The rules around part-time, casual & temporary employment
  • New tax incentives to support innovation
  • The ultimate 5-step LinkedIn strategy
  • Sharemarket update
  • Sweet success – without sugar
July 2016

June 2016

  • Budget 2016 & the economy
  • Budget 2016 & tax
  • Employee equity incentive plans: good idea?
  • Making a success of new ventures
  • Pause before you partner
  • Your obligations under the Fair Work Act
  • Women and men in selling
  • Sharemarket update
  • The knock-out elevator pitch!
June 2016

May 2016

  • Building a succession management culture
  • New ombudsman speaks out for small business
  • Keeping education relevant
  • Selling to China
  • Disrupting the real estate experience
  • New ATO guidelines on SMSF borrowings
  • Investor update: lessons from the fall of Arrium
  • Aiming high in the fitness world
  • How to create undying client loyalty
May 2016

April 2016

  • Winning and leadership
  • Managing your staff’s performance
  • How to foster an innovation mindset
  • Tackling unfair business contracts
  • Top 5 sales objections untangled
  • Small business CGT concessions: are you entitled?
  • Preparing for an acquisition
  • Sharemarket update
  • How to attract the Chinese tourist dollar
April 2016

March 2016

  • Economic update
  • Attracting and retaining high performing staff
  • How to engage and inspire an audience
  • Healthy kids’ food – healthy business!
  • The future of super
  • Keeping up with the new privacy laws
  • Domestic Violence Leave explained
  • Sharemarket update
  • Opening up to innovation
March 2016

February 2016

  • 2016 economic outlook
  • Cashflow management for clients
  • Drop the jargon for clearer communication
  • 2016: new trends in selling
  • Three biggest legal risks for business owners
  • Nurturing the next in line
  • Tax changes to buy-sell agreements
  • Sharemarket update
  • How to handle difficult conversations
February 2016

December 2015

  • The economy for business: 2015 review
  • Are you WHS compliant?
  • Getting your new ideas to market
  • Using the tax system to help fund R&D  
  • Smashing the loyalty myth
  • Negotiating a better lease
  • Doing good by doing good
  • Sharemarket update
  • The psychology of marketing
December 2015

November 2015

  • It’s hot at the top
  • Internet start-up turns 10
  • Is your next step an M&A?
  • Questions to ask before a new venture
  • Want to grow? Have lunch!
  • 5 steps to content marketing success
  • Sharemarket update
  • Don’t let your staff drive you crazy
November 2015

October 2015

  • Economic update
  • What makes a good strategic leader?
  • The pitfalls of being underinsured
  • Funding support for small business exporters
  • Shielding your SMSF from sharemarket shocks
  • Who am I? Employee or independent business?
  • Get prospecting to boost sales
  • Sharemarket update
  • Keep it simple: lessons from Steve Jobs’ ad man
October 2015

September 2015

  • Using data for better decision-making
  • Lessons on growth and success
  • Man with a big growth plan
  • Does success come naturally?
  • Accessing company profits without paying dividends
  • Hiring the right staff every time
  • Benchmarking for business success
  • Sharemarket update
  • Getting your foot in the client's door
September 2015

August 2015

  • Using economic date: be selective!
  • Protect your clients’ bottom line from bad debt
  • Partnering up for growth
  • Removing the “brain blinkers” that hold us back
  • The “safe harbour” proposals
  • Making staff recognition programs work
  • Claiming the small business tax concessions
  • Sharemarket Update
  • Your 7+ options when the chips are down
August 2015

July 2015

  • Mid-year economic update
  • ‘Whole Brain Thinking’ for a better practice
  • Help build client relationships with technology
  • Year end tax planning starts now
  • 5 ways to attract a business buyer
  • Managing Leave Entitlements
  • How to create a 10/10 client experience, EVERY time
  • Sharemarket update
  • Your 4 most powerful stories

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